Monday, September 8, 2008

Medical Advisor Journals----Heart Diseases and Strokes-- Articles Written By Friends and Health Experts

Eat to Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - It's Better Than Using Drugs
By Peter Clark Platinum Quality Author

Diet plays a major role in lowering cholesterol. LDL, or bad cholesterol, is known to cause the build up of plaque in the arteries. Ultimately, this plaque can cause a condition called atherosclerosis, which is often referred to as the hardening of the arteries.

Luckily, LDL cholesterol can easily be reduced by choosing to incorporate the right foods into your diet. Not sure what foods you are supposed to eat in order to reduce the risk of cholesterol and heart disease? Here is a sample diet to lower cholesterol levels.

In the morning, you may want to think about eating oatmeal if you are interesting in reducing your cholesterol. Try to stay away from eating eggs too often, as the yolks are known to cause high cholesterol, or consider opting for egg whites.

If you choose to eat toast of any sort, be sure to choose whole grain varieties and avoid using butter. Citric fruits and berries are also great additions to diets for high cholesterol.

One of the things that some people have the hardest time with is choosing food for lunch. Some choices on a sample diet to lower cholesterol would include a leafy green salad, fruit salad or vegetable soup.

Tuna fish is also a great choice. While seafood is known to increase cholesterol, fish itself is known to be very healthy. However, do try to stay away from mayonnaise and opt for mustard instead.

There are a number of different foods diets for high cholesterol would you allow to select from. Keep in mind that the foods mentioned for lunch would be appropriate for dinner. Stir fried vegetables and whole grain pasta with sauce that contains vegetables instead of meat are two great choices.

Almost anything falls under the dinner category of a sample diet to lower cholesterol, as long as it does not contain butter or oil and has not been deep fried.

Diets for high cholesterol are not all that hard to follow. It is also important to keep in mind that you do not need to entirely eliminate most of these foods from your diet, in most cases.

Simply reducing the amount of unhealthy foods that you eat can make all the difference. You may want to think about asking your doctor to tell you what a sample diet to lower cholesterol would look like and inquire about any foods that you may be unsure about.

And of course there are some wonderful dietary supplements available which make lowering your cholesterol levels by improving your intake of essential vitamins and minerals much easier. Good diet is only one part of the equation.

If you need to improve your cholesterol levels, then try good diet and good nutritional supplements first. It's way better than taking drugs.

And there are some wonderful dietary supplements available if you know where to look.

Want to know more about Naturally Lowering Cholesterol? Visit Peter's Website Natural Health-Natural Skin Care and find out more about Cholesterol Lowering Supplements at